Saturday, April 5, 2008

38 Proven Methods To Reduce Medical & Dental Costs

Choose From 30+ Nationwide Dental Plans!

1. Don't get sick! Practice preventative medicine. Eat
a balanced diet.
2. Keep your weight down. Encourage family members to
do the same.
3. Choose a family doctor before you get sick. To find
one, ask friends. neighbors local medical society or
nearby hospital.
4. If you have minor medical problems, phone your
doctor. Don't visit him.
5. Purchase prescription drugs by generic names rather
than brand names.
6. Buy drug items from discount stores where they are
less expensive.
7. If vitamin/mineral supplements are necessary, order
from mail order firms such as: Nutrition Headquarters, 104
W. Jackson Street, Carbondale, IL 62901.
8. If you smoke, stop. You'll eliminate heart, lung,
circulatory problems.
9. Excessive alcohol is bad for anyone. Cut down or
stop drinking entirely.
10. Ask your doctor for "starter" samples of drugs he may
prescribe for you.
11. Protect against cost of blood transfusions.
Contribute blood periodically.
12. By law, all aspirin is the same. So always buy the
cheapest brand.
13. If your doctor writes a prescription for a brand name
drug, ask the pharmacist to substitute a less expensive
generic drug.
14. Most prescription drugs may be ordered from mail
order pharmacies licensed by the state. Ask your doctor,
pharmacist or hospital for the name and address of such
firms. This is a great saving for non-emergency drugs.
15. Check public health centers in your area. They
usually give immunizations and routine screening tests
free of charge. or for very little cost.
16. Buy a good home medical guide. Learn to recognize
symptoms of diseases.
17. If you have a persistent problem, get it taken care
of as soon as possible.
18. Record all medical expenses for tax deductions.
19. If possible , use "out patient" facilities for minor
operations and medical procedures if it is acceptable to
you and your doctor.
20. Have physical examinations regularly.
21. for minor surgery, ask your doctor if it can be done
in his office.
22. If hospitalization is necessary, have all tests done
before you enter.
23. Discuss your financial condition with your doctor,
especially before surgery or special medical program. He
may be able to suggest savings.
24. Save on hospital costs. Get in and out as quickly as
possible. Before you enter, be aware of what everything
will cost and cut out the "frills".
25. Shop around first. Then join the best health care
plan you can afford.
26. If a doctor claims you require surgery, get a second
opinion. A second M.D. nay know of a non-surgical
treatment that works.
27. Investigate any health insurance organizations in
your area. These are groups of doctors who offer you all
the health care you need in a year for a single
predetermined fee. Check your phone book.
28. Many medical schools that train optometrists and
podiatrists operate low-cost clinics. These clinics are
open to anyone.
29. Senior citizens who join the American Association of
Retired People get drug discounts. Ask your doctor for
the name and address.
30. Home health care is sometimes possible if there is a
knowledgeable person around. discuss it with your doctor
and you may shorten your hospital stay.
31. If you are in bad financial straits, you may be
eligible for Medicaid. Your local Dept. of Social
Services can give you information.
32. Keep your own accurate and up-to-date medical
33. Many large corporations now arrange for their
employees to get free or low cost medical and dental care,
and medicine.
34. When visiting your doctor, bring along a list of
questions you want to ask.
35. Observe and teach all family members good dental
36. Visit your dentist regularly for checkups.
37. Use the best and cheapest dentifrice: salt &
bicarbonate of soda.
38. Many dental colleges operate no-cost or low fee
dental clinics.

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